Visit to Northern Europe, Denmark
Denmark is one of the world’s oldest monarchies with a history that stretches back to the Viking Age around the year 1000. Danish society rests on the foundation of the Danish Constitution of 1849, and the political system has since been characterised by broad solutions across the political divide. Denmark is often cited as one of the world’s best countries to live in. The strong welfare state ensures economic equality in society and the virtual non-existence of corruption, while polls repeatedly show that the Danes are among the happiest people in the world.
Go Europe took part in the intensive 8 days Training Course Leadership Lab, in the island of Bornholm, Denmark, together with 30 participants, coming from different organizations from 8 European Countries.
This project supported by the programme Erasmus+, has been implemented in the installation of the peculiar circus “Stjerneskud” and it aimed to increase the quality of Youth Exchanges by stimulating young people’s spirit of initiative, creativity and entrepreneurship. It also aimed to show group leaders and youth workers how to improve their strategies of motivating youngsters and find new ways and methods for future projects through their self-evaluation. Representatives from different organizations have gained benefits from their participation also in terms of networking and of future project ideas that have been drafted and will be afterwards developed under the frame of the Erasmus+ programme.
We would like to take this chance to thanks the Danish Organizers from Cirkus Stjerneskud and all the others organizations from Spain, Ireland, UK, Estonia, Italy, Belgium and Slovenia that have made this event as great and useful as it was.
Denmark more information on this Denmark.