Open education and innovative practices for the capacity building of Youth Workers in the digital era
Digital Youth Work, means proactively using or addressing digital media and technology in youth work. Digital Youth work is not a youth work method but instead it can be included in any youth work setting (open youth work, youth information and counselling, youth clubs, detached youth work, etc.) and they both share the same goals. This definition is given by the EC Publication: “Developing Digital Youth Work – Expert Group Set Up under the European Union Work Plan for Youth 2016-2018” that also highlights the importance in this new digital era, to upskill youth workers’ digital competences.
In this sphere, the project DIGITAL YOUTH WORKER: “Open education and innovative practices for the capacity building of Youth Workers in the digital era” is intended to be the follow-up (phase 2) of a previously implemented Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project titled: EU-NET: “Enhancing a Universal Guide and Network for the Youth Workers of the Future” that had the main objective of sharing good practices and helping define the state of the art of Youth Work in Europe, including the development of different useful digital tools for youth workers and the creation of a solid network, still active to date ( and its social media pages).
Project Duration: 11.12.2019 – 10.05.2021
Results Results Building from the foundations of the previous EU-NET project, DIGITAL YOUTH WORKER aims to:
A) Map and develop a dedicated Competency Framework for Digital Youth Workers.
B) Develop a dedicated e-learning platform and e-training modules for Digital Youth Workers: based on the previous mapping exercise (Digital Youth Worker Framework) interactive e-learning modules will be developed and will remain available for free as an OER in 4 different languages: English, Spanish, Italian and Bulgarian.