GoEurope in Terceira Island, Azores
GoEurope participates in the international training sponsored by AJITER, Youth Association of Terceira Island, Azores, together with other representatives from nine countries, right in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
Según Decio Santos, presidente de AJITER: “este proyecto integra 30 participantes procedentes de Reino Unido, Italia, Hungría, España, Croacia, Grecia, Rumania, Lituania y Portugal, con edades comprendidas entre 23 y 42 años. Hay que tener en cuenta que estos 30 participantes fueron seleccionados entre un grupo de 150 aspirantes. Esta oferta formativa se dio a conocer a través de Salto-Youth.net, plataforma líder en difusión de este tipo de acciones a nivel europeo.” Por otro lado, AJITER también ha querido dar la oportunidad de participar en esta formación a tres jóvenes de Terceira.
AJITER’s president also stated that ‘this is an initiative embedded in and financed by the new European programme for mobility and learning, Erasmus+ Youth in Action, which covers different scopes varying from the education and training of professionals and leaders in the field of working with youth to the fomentation of personal and social development’.
This project’s activities are carried out in the Youth and Arts Academy (Academia de la Juventud y las Artes) on the island of Terceira. Alongside the education and training activities the participants also have the chance to get to know first hand some of the most important, touristic and historically relevant places of Terceira, as well as some of the many local traditions of this gorgeous Portuguese archipelago.
The European Intercultural Association, GoEurope, could not have missed out on such an opportunity, and it is actively participating in all of the activities and training proposals as one of the selected entities and Spanish representative.
Further information on AJITER.